Thursday, 2 June 2011

It really is a risky business

Why? Why on earth be a therapist? It's so risky. I have to do and say things most uncomfortable and most discomforting. I am almost certainly going to be disliked. I'm almost certainly going to be liked. I will be invested with considerable expectation; considerable power and authority. I'm going to be loved. I am going to be hated. I might fall in love. You might fall in love with me. You really won't want to call me in the first place! You are going to think coming to see me will be VERY risky. You might feel really scared; scared that I might see your (so-called) weaknesses (those parts of you which you don't want anyone to see). So it is risky for both of us or all of us if we're in a group setting. Aaaaah!

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